A few words on Ruby's type annotations state

I don't give a shit about Ruby. What I do find interesting, on 5/5/23, is the perspective of a man in the Ukrainian army. Notice passages (emphasis mine) like:

"That discussion made me remember some thoughts on type annotation situation in Ruby I’ve distilled while working on my Ruby book (now postponed till our victory); some of those thoughts expressed an urge to be shared."


"I am writing this on my phone, in a barrack that houses some 200+ of my brothers-in-arms in the Ukrainian army’s training camp; I use short periods of rest between training, mostly at night and on Sundays. TBH, since joining the army, I didn’t expect to have time or inspiration to write about Ruby, and yet, here we are."

Despite the international attention on this war, it's uncommon to get real perspectives from on the ground.

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