walk and talk | Derek Sivers

100km (62mi) walk for eight conversationalists. The following list is directly from Sivers' article, except for the unit conversions.

  1. Choose where to walk — somewhere with lodging for 8 people every 15 km (15 km ≈ 10mi) — where someone else can drive everyone’s bags from place to place.
  2. Someone (local person or business) walks it all in advance to make sure it’s actually good. This person will be the navigator.
  3. Make a shared document of details of where to meet and what to bring, a group chat for questions, and a shared place to upload photos afterwards.
  4. Invite a diverse group of conversationalists — ideally eight. Walkers send money to the local navigator to pre-pay for the lodging and meals.
  5. Meet at the initial hotel for dinner and introductions.
  6. Walk together for the next 6-7 days — ideally without phones — about 3-5 hours of walking per day, led by the navigator, with long breaks every two hours. Everyone naturally goes in and out of little 2-3 person conversations while walking.
  7. Every night over a private dinner, the entire group has a single conversation around one subject, which the group chose the night before. Everyone stays involved in this one conversation, exploring one topic to exhaustion.
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